Sunday, November 20, 2011


Turns out back pain is another side effect. I was hoping that last time it was from over exerting myself. It hit again this am. Last Time it hit on Sat.  So, I'm hoping that it is getting less severe each time.
Upside, I had all my parties last night.  :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It's 70 degrees out? Time to get my lazy butt our of bed and go for a walk before I go get the white blood cell shot. Cousin Ang is taking me. Gives her a chance to check out the latest doo. Maybe she can even cut off the rest? Because at the rate it's coming out the name Patches Taylor will start taking off. I do like it more than chrome dome but...


Dang. Tired but can't sleep. Took ambien at 11 turned out lights and TV. No luck. I guess steriods and stuff is kicking in. Glad I don't have anything to do early

Monday, November 14, 2011

2nd treatment

Today went as good as the first time. Tanya came over and we went for a walk. Then off to chemo. Took longer than I thought so Troy came and picked me up at 520. Then off to Asian Galaxy for dinner. Watching Dexter and we are up to season 6.

Hopefully off for another walk tomorrow maybe a light jog at the gym :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hair mice evicted

For 11/11/11 Troy and I had family game. Everyone came over, played games and after we did a shearing. The mice are gone. It's not bald but it's definitely a buzz cut. It'll prob all out by next week anyway.

Sat. we went to a house warming in Powhatan. I wore a nice scarf and only had to slip ups. Sat night I went to a jewelry party and sported a hat.

Today was the big day...we went down to Va Bch and I went around without a hat at all, well, until it ot chilly. Then, I put on a ski hat. At the Walmart, I actually got a compliment on the hat.

Hopefully, this Spring lots of bird nests will be made of my locks. I'll be able to tell because the nest wil be salt and pepper :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hair Mouses

Free hair mouses to anyone in need of that special holiday gift.  No 2 are alike. These are only available for a limited time!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wig day

Wilbur is starting to heal up and so is my face. Last week had a couple rough days but on to a new week.
Today, I hop in the shower and during the conditioning stage of the shower, I realize that my hair will definitely be thinning, at least. It was starting to come out. Not in big clumps or anything but is definitely noticable. Normally it looks like a small mouse today it was like monster mouse. Maybe like a mouse and a cupabarra had coupled.

 The transformation is continuing. My super power is yet to be determined but not long now.  I went to Dr today blood work is good. THen went to DMV. I lost my lisence months ago and figured I better get a new one b4 my hair falls out.  The woman took a couple pics trying to get the best one. I thought that was really nice as I'm pretty sure they usually try and give me the worst one. When the DMV lady looked at the last one she said she couldn't believe someone actually let me keep

After DMV was wig hunting. I hit 2 places and tried on several ones. I'll have to call the insurance co and see how much they will cover. Wigs are not cheap. Nor are they especially good looking :) But after wearing the wig cap, I realized I do not have a pretty head.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lemond drop kid to zitty mczittamus

Well, as luck would have it I have 2 rare conditions. radiation recall triggered by chemo. Wilbur (my sickly boob) did fantastic through radiation. no redness no burning, nothing. he was a trooper. Turns out the chemo triggered a reaction. He's now red as a beet, just where the balloon was so only a small part. This is very rare so they didnt mention it. No biggie. I would have still done it. It will get worse until sat or Sunday then should start getting better. It will prob come back after round 2 but shouldn't be so severe. Hopefully, it won't come back after that.

Condition 2...dry face and zits. Also very rare and I have a severe case...They gave me a steriod and antiboitic. I have never had sever acne so this is crushing. I don't even want to leave the house. I look like shit.

I feel bad for being so vane about it. Here I am so lucky to have felt so great through everything and am all upset over dry skin and a bad breakout. No joke like 8 bumps and a rash on my face..

Oh well....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fat Tire

Well, I must be feeling a little better. I actually opened my beer.  My face is still a hot mess. Ughh. Oh well, it is what it is. Hopefully, it won't last the whole time.
As for the pot roast...not the hit I was hoping it would be. All the boys bitched about it.  I told them fine. For every meal from here on out would be Tomato soup. Breakfast lunch and dinner. I would return the Frankenberry cereal  and they wouldn't get the pudding I made for dessert. About an hour later they were asking for the potatoes and carrots. This was after they asked their dad if they could have pudding. I nixed that quick. After they had apples and more veggies I et them have dessert.  I thought everyone liked pot roast. Lesson learned.

I got in just in time for the preteen/teen years....the joy.

Off to sand my face and rub dry ashes on it

lemon drop kid

The Dr says the dry skin is likely hormones and not to worry. They asked if i was using Am I an idiot. No, no moisturizers. I rub sand on my skin at night. I use tons of moisturizer and no luck. If anyone knows of anything that works please let me know. Bad enough that Troy's kids told me those jeans make your butt look big. Now, my face is red blotchy, peeling and breaking out. Might as well grow a wart on my nose and call it.

On a mo betta note: I went on a leisurely 3 mile walk with Tanya at rockwood. It was great. My mom brought over lots of salad stuff. So for lunch was a great big salad.  I started a pot roast before I left for my walk so it should be ready just in time for dinner. The boys will be here and we will be eating by candle light. That way they can't give me grief about my face :)

early to bed early to rise

Not sure whats going on. I feel like a million bucks....except that my face is so dehydrated. I'm drinking tons of water. using lots of lotion and my face still feels puckered and is feeling a little.  Wilbur is finally showing signs of sunburn from the radiation trail. they said it may take a few weeks and it did. So, i'm wondering if that is causing the rest of me to dehydrate quicker. I even slept with a humidifier on in the help.  I'll call the Dr. today and see.  I bought a 22oz Fat Tire last night and didn't even have the urge to open it. Something is wrong :)

Other than Wilbur's burn and my face feeling like the cartoon drawing on a lemon drop box I'm 110%.  Gonna go for a nice long walk with Tanya today.