Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Well, well, well

Hidy Ho folks. My goodness. A lot has happened since my last post.  Let's see...Mon 1/9 I went back to Dr. Turns out I needed a drain. Bummer. But hey no big deal. It'll just make me start feeling better quicker. I'll just keep taking my antibiotics and pain pills and before you know it I'll be running the streets again.  No way Jose. Wilbur kept better bigger, redder and more infected. really gross looking. I wouldn't even show Troy. By my follow up appt Thursday poor Wilbur was in terrible shape. I had even been feeling so bad I had to call my cousin Angie to bring me dinner. I was in major pain and just feeling bad. How the heck is this happening? I was doing so good. So, anyway, the follow up appt. I'm told to keep taking antibiotics. It takes a bit for them to kick in and the drain was working. I go home to veg and wait it out. I'm bound to start feeling great once these darn antibiotics kick in. The pain meds were a joke but I'm tough. Well, Sat I was talking to my gal Julie and told her that the redness kept spreading. Lucky for me, not only is Julie a great friend but a part time doc(not really). She insisted that I call the on call doc. I did after the whole run around with Jules that I had just been to the doc and there was no reason to call. The on call Dr, Dr. Kelly, said to go straight to the ER. Troy had the boys and my cousin Joey was over helping instal new windows. So, I call the dad taxi. We get there and Dr Kelly had called before I got there so they took me back right away. Turns out I needed to have Wilbur cut open to clean him out. Poor little, by now HUGE Wilbur was full of puss...freaking gross. Little pustules all over the top of him. But no biggie. I'll just go home lay on the couch and let everyone cater to me. Once again, I was mistaken. I'm getting admitted. Lucky for me Dr Kelly had told me to pack for a couple days just in case.  So, being the great listener that I am I brought a comfy blanket. I get room 429. nice single room with state of the art TV. By this I mean it's a cube with a remote that only goes up. no reverse.  Well Monday I am scheduled for surgery to help clean WIlbur up more. It's called debridement. I'm already hooked up to IV meds.1250mg of Vanco. And I get pain pills every 4 hours. Lucky, I don't need the pain meds to often as I am no whiner. My nurses were awesome. I got to know them pretty well and we had lots of giggle and Diedre(friend and radiologist associate) brought me flowers on Monday and a sign with a spider and a pig..."Radiant Pig". She strung it up for me. Every time I looked at it I smiled. Friday I had another surgery for more clean up. By now, Wilbur has gotten smaller. He had just days ago been a full C or possibly D cup and now he was smaller than 3 months ago. He also looked pretty sad. Monday the 23 I was transferred to retreat hospital in the fan for "wound care" I always referred to it as Wilbur care as it sounds much nicer. I started hyperbaric chamber treatment the day I got there and hydro therapy the following day. By wed afternoon I was released and put on oral antibiotics. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!! I still go Mon thru Fri from 1 -4 for hydro and hyper. On the upside by the time this part is over in 5 weeks I'll look like I'm 20. I'll try and post pics from my Sr year in high school That way those of you who did not know me then will be able to recognize me :) So, all is well. Hopefully in 4 months all of this will be a distant memory. I'll post more of the funny stories that happened while I was in lockdown but for now just wanted to give everyone the DL. XOXOX

Friday, January 6, 2012


I had my 4th treatment last Tuesday. Easy pleasy. Shot the next day. Piece of cake.  Back hurt over the weekend a little but not too bad. Hurray. I'm more than halfway there. Tuesday I felt good enough to go to gym. Walked 4 miles with my pal Davilee. It felt so good to get exercise. So, I went again Wed and walked another 4 miles. Man this chemo stuff is easy. Who knew? I should have knocked on wood. Wed night my bro and mom came for dinner and games. 6pm comes and I'm hitting a wall. Well, I must have just been pushing myself too hard. I'll take it easy. Wilber was a little sore but I thought it may have been due to some of the and exercises I did. It should pass by morning. I dint sleep well but never do so ... Thursday I woke up and Wilbur looked like he had gotten a boob job. He was swollen to twice his size. Shit. Radiation recall is back. Suck it up. I slept good ambien and a nyquil kicker did the job. I slept like a rock. Only to wake up the am to being more sore. I decided to call the radiation onco to get an appt for pain meds.  Well, what do you know...it's an infection. WTH? how do I get an infection almost 3 months after the radiation balloon was removed? It happens. I got heavy dose of antibiotics and pain killers. So glad I went to the doc today. I wouldn't have made it thru the weekend without an ER visit. SO here's to me!!! I feel better already. 1 that I'm not just being a baby and 2- the nucynta is awesome. here's to being able to play tomorrow on a beautiful weekend. As long as some of the swelling goes down. But at least I know what a C cup looks like on me.  :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A month since the last post...

My gosh time flies!!! Thanksgiving already gone. I think I may have been in a food coma since then :) Things are going really well. The skin reaction and radiation recall have subsided greatly since the initial treatment. I still break out but no where near as bad. Someone thought I just had a little too much sun :) I'll take it!
What else is new...I started back at the gym. Ran 3 times and walked once. I was with a friend so we just chatted but I did 4 miles.  My times suck but whatcha gonna do?
I had a huge warm fuzzy at the beginning of the month. Tammy and Suzie brought over tons of hats and cards from lots of friends. It was a little overwhelming, in a good way. So now my head and ears are warm 24/7. The only time I don't wear a hat is at the gym or when I have my wig on.  They are so toasty.
Also- my hair is growing...no not new ones but the ones that didnt fall out are getting longer.  It's cute. Troy gets so excited. I'll end up looking like the house keeper from scary movie...the guy with the "little hand".  Hopefully, all the front and side hair will start growing back after treatment is over. So by 4th of July, if I don't shave it, I will have a sweet as mullet!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Turns out back pain is another side effect. I was hoping that last time it was from over exerting myself. It hit again this am. Last Time it hit on Sat.  So, I'm hoping that it is getting less severe each time.
Upside, I had all my parties last night.  :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It's 70 degrees out? Time to get my lazy butt our of bed and go for a walk before I go get the white blood cell shot. Cousin Ang is taking me. Gives her a chance to check out the latest doo. Maybe she can even cut off the rest? Because at the rate it's coming out the name Patches Taylor will start taking off. I do like it more than chrome dome but...


Dang. Tired but can't sleep. Took ambien at 11 turned out lights and TV. No luck. I guess steriods and stuff is kicking in. Glad I don't have anything to do early

Monday, November 14, 2011

2nd treatment

Today went as good as the first time. Tanya came over and we went for a walk. Then off to chemo. Took longer than I thought so Troy came and picked me up at 520. Then off to Asian Galaxy for dinner. Watching Dexter and we are up to season 6.

Hopefully off for another walk tomorrow maybe a light jog at the gym :)